Umicore’s Horizon 2020 strategy sets out clear goals for profitable growth. The strategy targets accelerated growth and performance for Umicore, particularly in those businesses driven by the three megatrends of resource scarcity, emission control and electrification of transport.
Economic performance
Strengthen leadership
Why this is important
To position Umicore to thrive faced with the accelerating global megatrends of stringent emissions control, transport electrification and resource scarcity.
Key performance indicator(s)
Group revenues annual growth
Double the earnings
Why this is important
To secure Umicore’s future success and sustainability by consistently investing in R&D to develop and market innovative products and services, and to ramp-up capacity to meet growing market demand for Umicore products and services.
Key performance indicator(s)
Objective achieved: REBIT more than doubled from 2014 to 2018
2018 REBIT increase
Rebalance portfolio
Why this is important
To sharpen Umicore’s focus on the ambitious growth initiatives in clean mobility materials and recycling.
Key performance indicator(s)