Metal emissions
We monitor and take steps to reduce the impact of metals emissions on the environment – both to water and air. Each of the different metals that we emit has a specific level of potential toxicity for the environment and human health. For this reason, we focus on reducing the impact of our emissions.
The aim for 2020 is to reduce metal emissions impacts while considering growing volumes of production. Reporting focuses on sites that contribute to 95% of the emissions expressed in impact and given their activity level. Monitoring continues on all sites.
Over 95% of the impact of metal emissions to water and air is the result of production activities on 10 or fewer sites, confirming that most of our sites do not have a significant metal emissions impact.
Compared to 2015, after correction for activity levels, the impact of emissions to water in 2018 fell by 71%, largely due to the increased efficiency of the wastewater treatment facility at our Hoboken site.
Regarding impact of metal emissions to air, considering activity levels, we achieved a reduction of 46% in 2018 compared to 2015, mainly due to improved filtration, reduction in load in a few sites and process efficiency with a focus on metals with high impact.
For more, see Statements, note E2.