Sustainable products & services
Umicore’s Horizon 2020 objective is to generate further competitive advantage through the development of products that have specific sustainability benefits. This has a strong link with our economic objective of being a clear leader in clean mobility and recycling.
Our primary focus in terms of sustainable products and services is on activities that provide solutions to the megatrends of clean mobility and resource scarcity.
We developed an indicator to underline our focus on clean mobility and recycling. In 2018, the revenues from activities that deliver products or services that are directly linked to one of these megatrends was 71.8% of 2018 Group revenues, up from 67.2% in 2017. The increase is the result of higher activity both in recycling and clean mobility. As we work towards the Horizon 2020 goals, we expect this percentage to continue to increase.
Many of the materials and services making up the remaining 28.2% of revenues provide answers to specific societal needs such as improved connectivity (materials for high quality glass, displays) or reduced energy consumption (materials for use in energyefficient lighting such as LEDs).
We develop specific sustainability solutions for our products and their applications by working closely with customers.
Typically, these developments focus on reducing product risks and hazards and increasing material efficiency in the delivery or the use of our products.
To see more about our efforts in this area, including our approach to international regulatory compliance (i.e. REACH) see Statements, note V5.
At Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials we provide our customers with the best cathode active material, which leads to greater mobility and a reliable source of energy.
1 in 5 Li-ion batteries ever produced for portable electronics contains Umicore materials. Our materials are also used in the automotive industry to reduce CO2 emissions and increase driving range.
Our integrated business model allows us to control our product from the receipt of raw material, over the precursor, up to the final cathode active material.
Umicore offers an environmentally responsible and commercially attractive recycling solution for the products we put on the market. Our unique Closed Loop illustrates our passion and commitment to the environment.